What is Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a healing modality that was channelled through Kevin Core in 2002-2003.

As per Kevin’s words: “ I am honoured to be the channel of this Angelic Reiki System of Healing, which was passed to me by Archangel Metatron from October 2002 to February 2003.”

The origins of consulting and praying to Angels for healing however is an ancient healing method going back thousands of years.

Angels have been referenced throughout a wide range of religions and cultural beliefs around the world and the presence of Angels is widely regarded as a comforting and protective element of the Angelic realm. 

Angelic Reiki practitioners are taught through a series of methods to communicate with Archangels and Ascended Masters in order to request their assistance for healing. It is worth noting here that the healers themselves only act as a conduit for the healing energies to take place, the energy itself is determined by the respective Archangel or Ascended Master who is always the same for each practitioner – although they can call upon others to join in when required.

The actual energies that are channelled during a treatment are beautiful and subtle yet have a distinct feel of intensity depending on the problems that the client is requesting help for.

Angelic Reiki does not require the practitioner to use different hand positions, but generally rest their hands on the client’s shoulders.

The actual treatment lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and there are consultations on both ends of it so altogether if you book a treatment it will take around 1 hour.

During a treatment you can expect to feel heat/cold, tingling, pulling, etc…. Each treatment is different and each person’s sensitivity to the energies vary. You could see colours or even images, words…or you could simply relax to the point that you fall asleep! There is no right or wrong, you will get all the benefits of the treatment regardless of what you feel or see.

So whether you have physical, spiritual, emotional or mental ailments you would like help with, or you are just curious about Reiki, call or message us to book a treatment. We offer our treatments in our beautiful and peaceful treatment room in Rothwell, West Yorkshire, and can also do home treatments for people with mobility issues.